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We at Yehwang love all the jewelry, clothes and accessories from our product range. On the website you will find all trendy items for your store or webshop. Still, we can imagine that it can be difficult to present all that jewelry that you have purchased. That is why we will give you five tips on how you can perfectly display all necklaces, earrings, rings and bracelets in your store!

Match the displays with your interior

Every store or webshop has its own interior. On our website we have many displays in different colors, shapes and sizes. Choose displays that match your interior design. This can really make a difference to the decoration of your store and increase sales. Presentation is everything!

Colors and fabrics

As we just mentioned, we have multiple color displays to present your items on. You adapt this to your brand style, but don't forget to select multiple colors and shades that go well together. With color difference you create an interesting and dynamic scene in your store. Opt for a light and neutral shade, such as beige. Add a slightly brighter color, such as pink, and finish it off with, for example, dark green. You can also go for the same color in different shades from light to dark. Do not lose sight of your own brand style and select the right fabric for your (web) store. A velvet fabric does something completely different from a satin fabric. Also very nice to combine.

Alternate with large and small displays

To keep the design of your store playful and dynamic, it’s best to choose displays with different shapes and heights. Think of a high display for your necklaces and next to it a bracelet display in a round elongated shape. Place a jewelry dish with some single rings in front of the other displays. This way you create a balanced interior and make it easy for customers to fit the items.

Do you sell a lot of earrings? Then we have several sizes of displays on the website. It is useful to hang smaller earrings at the top and large earrings at the bottom. This way you can show customers which earrings are fun to combine. A super fun way to fully display your range.

Select what you need and make it your own

Take a good look at your assortment and the surface where the displays are placed. It would be a shame if you buy too many displays and it turns out not to be useful afterwards. Of course you have to find a way in this. If you have a lot of chains in stock, it's best to go for an upright display with notches on the side. Do you want a more playful interior? Then choose a display box and fill it with hair accessories, such as scrunchies and bracelets with beads. This makes a device less static and somewhat looser. You also have to pay attention not to set up the displays too complicated. When you add something, it should be easy and fast. There is already a line of customers waiting to pay for all those nice things.

Displays for your webshop

When displaying your products, you naturally think that this is intended for a store. It is also super handy and fun for customers to present items on a display for a webshop. Make a nice corner in your office or warehouse to shoot photos and videos of all products. Atmospheric images make your webshop and social media page much more attractive and ensure that sales go up. It is very convenient to take an order from the racks. Put the displays in your shopping cart with your next order and let the styling begin.

Would you like to receive even more tips from Yehwang? Read our blogs and follow us on social media!

Shop the look

Bracelet Display Round Pink Nylon
Bracelet Display Round White Nylon
Bracelet Display Round Black Nylon

Bracelet Display Round Pink Nylon

Necklace Display Simplicity Beige Nylon
Necklace Display Simplicity Black Nylon
Necklace Display Simplicity Baby pink Nylon
Necklace Display Simplicity Pink Nylon

Necklace Display Simplicity Beige Nylon

Decorative jewelry tray hand with engraved pattern Gold Resin
Decorative jewelry tray hand with engraved pattern Black Resin

Decorative jewelry tray hand with engraved pattern Gold Resin

Display for rings Pale Pink Flannel
Display for rings Black Flannel
Display for rings Beige Flannel
Display for rings Red Flannel

Display for rings Pale Pink Flannel