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As time is flying by, we are already entering a new month. Seasons are changing and multiple trends are making their way through the fashion scene. Some are big hits, others are slowly fading out. Out with the old, in with the new, you would think, right?

Our next highlight of the month is definitely an item that you know and probably have worn it before a long time ago. You either hate it or love it. Either way, it is definitely back, and we can no longer ignore it. Nothing comes to your mind? I am talking about the wide belts!

We all went through the 2000s with these wide belts strapped around our waist or hanging low on the hips. This is a good example of how history repeats itself. The wide belt made a comeback on the runway of high fashion brands. It didn’t take long for other designers to catch up and now the trend has reached the huge mass. From high-end designers to high street brands, retailers are trying to convince us to participate in the this second coming of the wide belt trend. We can already see you struggling with your thoughts about this trend and all the questions that come in your mind. That’s why we are giving you a hand to help you out with this wide belt trend. We have made a selection of belts and during this whole month you are getting 30% off all the selected belts!

That should already feel like a relief but if you still don’t know what to do with these belts, you can follow our tips. The first thing that comes in mind when hearing the term ‘wide belt’, probably is to use is to cinch your waist. That’s correct, as the weather is getting warmer, wear a belt on top of a cute floral dress. Are dresses not your thing? This versatile item can also be worn with your everyday blazer and jeans. That gives you the perfect balance between feminine and sporty. The key to wearing it, is to think about proportions. Which means, use the belt to create a break between two voluminous items.


Now, let all that sink in, check out our selection of belts here and when you are ready, start shopping!